Administration in Sangam Age

Concept Explanation

Administration in Sangam Age

Administration and Society During the Sangam Era:The Sangam literature provides details regarding the administration during the Sangam Age. Monarchy was the system of government during this period. The kings called as Vendan, Ko and Iral. The local chieftains were known as Velirs

In Tamil society, high status was accorded to the velir or heads of the chiefdoms associated with megalithic burials. As the chiefdoms grew into kingdoms, monarchy became the chosen from of government. The king was the highest authority in the land. The king was assisted in the discharge of his duties by ministers,administrative officers ,spies,revenue collectors and the chief commander of the army .The imposition and collection of taxes was one of the most important duities of the king.

Sample Questions
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Question : 1

On what basis can we say that land was managed in a scientific manner during the sangam age?

Right Option : B
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Question : 2

Why the earliest coins were called 'punch marked coins' ?

Right Option : A
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Question : 3

Of what materials the metal of the coins was made?

Right Option : C
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